In this tutorial, we'll look at a more realistic scenario for LetsFlow. In this scenario, a (potential) customer fills out a form, requesting a quote.
We'll focus on integration with an application; introducing the concept of services and notifications. We'll also look at custom action schemas and how this ties into building a frontend.
Create file quote.yaml in scenarios.
Create subdirectory quote in features for the test files.
Create a directory schemas with subdirectories actions and messages.
Customer request
The process starts with a customer filling out a form. The form has fields for customer info and project requirements.
Test case
We'll create a test case where the customer fills out the form. For completeness, we also validate the case where the customer did not fill out all the required fields.
Feature: The customer fills out the form to request a quote
Given the process is created from the "quote" scenario
And "Alice" is the "customer" actor
And "Bob" is the "sales" actor
Scenario: Customer fills out all fields correctly
When "Alice" does "request" with:
| company | Acme Inc |
| contact | Alice |
| email | |
| address | 123 Main St |
| requirements | The product should be able to do X, Y and Z |
Then the last event is not skipped
And actor "customer" has "company" is "Acme Inc"
* actor "customer" has "contact" is "Alice"
* actor "customer" has "email" is ""
* actor "customer" has "address" is "123 Main St"
And the process is in "requested"
Scenario: Customer does not fill out the email address and requirements
When "Alice" does "request" with:
| company | Acme Inc |
Then the last event is skipped with "Response is invalid: data must have required property 'email'"
Then the last event is skipped with "Response is invalid: data must have required property 'requirements'"
And the process is in "initial"
The scenario
The scenario has 2 actors; the sales department of our organisation and the customer. The initial action is for the customer to fill out the form.
The role of the sales actor is set to sales, so anyone on the sales team can respond as this actor.
The frontend will render a form for this action. That's done using react-jsonschema-form for this example, which can render a form based on a JSON schema. It will use the response schema with additional render instructions defined in the ui property.
The update instructions will set the provided properties of the customer actor and will store the requirements as a variable.
name: quote
version: '1.0'
title: Quote
description: Send a quote based on customer requirements
title: Organisation
role: sales
name: !default 'Acme Inc.'
title: Customer
company: string
address: string
contact: string
email: string
schema: actions/form-v1
actor: customer
company: !required
title: Company name
type: string
title: First and last name
type: string
email: !required
title: Email address
type: string
format: email
title: Company address
type: string
requirements: !required
title: Project requirements
description: >
Please describe your project and specify the requirements.
The quote will be more accurate if you provide more details.
type: string
ui:widget: textarea
ui:rows: 3
ui:widget: textarea
ui:rows: 5
- set: actors.customer
value: !ref "current.response | { company: company, address: address, contact: contact, email: email }"
mode: merge
- set: vars.requirements
value: !ref current.response.requirements
on: request
goto: requested
on: next
goto: (done)
requirements: string
The ui property is not part of the LetsFlow JSON schema for a scenario; it is specific to your application.
To integrate LetsFlow into your backend and frontend, you should define schemas for actions, messages, and states. These schemas serve as identifiers for rendering actions or states in a specific way, enabling reusable components.
In this case, the component will use react-jsonschema-form to render a form based on the response schema and ui object.
LetsFlow validation will apply the corresponding sub-schemas, ensuring that actions, states, and messages conform to the expected format of your application.
$id: schema:actions/form-v1
description: Show a form using react-jsonschema-form for the user to fill out
additionalProperties: true
response: !required
additionalProperties: object
"$id": "schema:actions/form-v1",
"description": "Show a form using react-jsonschema-form for the user to fill out",
"additionalProperties": true,
"properties": {
"ui": {
"additionalProperties": "object"
"required": [
"$schema": "",
"$id": "schema:actions/form-v1",
"description": "Show a form using react-jsonschema-form for the user to fill out",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true,
"properties": {
"response": {},
"ui": {
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object"
"type": "object"
"required": [
The schema for requires the action to define a response schema. Optionally it can have a ui property, which should be a map of objects.
Always set additionalProperties to true for sub-schemas, so you don't need to define the standard properties that are already defined by the LetsFlow scenario schema.
The tutorial and demo uses schema: as URI scheme for the JSON schema id. The engine and test suite will load those schemas locally from the schemas folder. If you're using validation from the core library directly in your frontend you'll need to overwrite the loadSchema option of AJV.
Alternatively, you can publish the schemas online and use a full URL.
Organization response
After the form has been submitted, the sales team should create a quote that can be sent to the customer.
Test case
The requirements are shown as instructions to the sales team. The customer info is used to fill out part of the quote template. We're expecting a PDF as the response to this action.
After the quote is created, the 'email' service will send a message to the customer, with the quote in PDF format as an attachment.
Feature: The sales department creates a quote
Given the process is created from the "quote" scenario
And "Alice" is the "customer" actor
And "Bob" is the "sales" actor
When "Alice" does "request" with:
| company | Acme Inc |
| contact | Alice |
| email | |
| address | 123 Main St |
| requirements | The product should be able to do X, Y and Z |
Then the process is in "requested"
Scenario: Sales creates a quote
Then actor "customer" has instructions "Thank you for your request. We will get back to you shortly."
And actor "sales" has instructions:
Please create a quote based on the customer requirements:
The product should be able to do X, Y and Z
When "Bob" does "create_quote" with "cms:quotes/test.pdf"
Then the last event is not skipped
And the process is in "quoted"
And the result is "cms:quotes/test.pdf"
And service "email" is notified with:
schema: messages/email-v1
name: Alice
template: quote
title: Customer
id: !ref
company: Acme Inc
contact: Alice
address: 123 Main St
generate_token: !ref
- filename: quote.pdf
source: cms:quotes/test.pdf
We need to generate an ID for the customer. The customer ID is used by the email service to generate an authentication token.
For this tutorial, the customer information is stored in the process. For a real application, you might store it in a CRM instead. In that case, only specify the client ID as data and let the 'email' service fetch it. This ensures that modifications of the customer information in the CRM will apply to the process.
The scenario
The 'create_quote' action asks for the sales department to draft a document based on the 'quote' template. The response should be a URI (a URL or other system-specific identifier) that allows the backend to fetch the file.
In order to generate an authentication token, we create a customer ID using the uuid() function of LetsFlow JMESPath. Note that all functions are deterministic. To create a unique identifier we take the (unique) process ID as the namespace and the actor key as input.
name: quote
version: '1.0'
title: Quote
description: Send a quote based on customer requirements
title: Organisation
role: sales
name: !default 'Acme Inc.'
title: Customer
id: !format uuid
company: string
address: string
contact: string
email: string
actor: customer
- set: actors.customer
value: !ref "current.response | { id: uuid('customer', $.id), company: company, address: address, contact: contact, email: email }"
mode: merge
- set: vars.requirements
value: !ref current.response.requirements
schema: actions/draft-v1
actor: sales
title: Create a quote
description: Create a quote based on customer requirements
template: quote
customer: !ref actors.customer
update: result
on: request
goto: requested
customer: !tpl |
Thank you for your request. We will get back to you shortly.
sales: !tpl |
Please create a quote based on the customer requirements:
{{ vars.requirements }}
on: create_quote
goto: quoted
on: next
goto: (done)
requirements: string
result: !format uri
The create_quote action expects to draft a new document based on a template. The action provides the template name and default data. This action is less abstract than the form action; it expects the application to know how to handle it.
$id: schema:actions/draft-v1
description: |
Create a document based on a template.
This action can be automated through a document generation service or performed manually by an actor
additionalProperties: true
template: !required string
filetype: !default pdf
description: |
Data to be used to populate the template.
When the action is performed by an actor, this is the default data.
type: object
additionalProperties: true
"$id": "schema:actions/draft-v1",
"description": "Create a document based on a template.\nThis action can be automated through a document generation service or performed manually by an actor",
"additionalProperties": true,
"properties": {
"template": {
"type": "string"
"filetype": {
"default": "pdf",
"type": "string"
"data": {
"description": "Data to be used to populate the template.\nWhen the action is performed by an actor, this is the default data.",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true
"required": ["template"]
"$schema": "",
"$id": "schema:actions/draft-v1",
"description": "Create a document based on a template.\nThis action can be automated through a document generation service or performed manually by an actor",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true,
"properties": {
"template": {
"type": "string"
"filetype": {
"type": "string",
"default": "pdf"
"data": {
"description": "Data to be used to populate the template.\nWhen the action is performed by an actor, this is the default data.",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true
"required": ["template"]
Do not use the scenario as code
We could have split up the create_draft step into multiple abstract steps:
fill out a form for the quote information
fetch a template from the database and store it in a process variable
use mustache to fill out the template and create the quote document
use a service to create a PDF from the quote document
More abstract action types look attractive since you can create different scenarios without writing code. In reality, you're still writing code but now in YAML.
Solving edge cases and error handling, which is normally handled by your application, now need to be part of the scenario. This will make the workflows large, complex, and hard to maintain.
Additionally, it exposes the inner logic of a process, making it more likely that a modification to a service will break scenarios and running processes.
When in doubt; choose more specific over more abstract action definitions.
Both the sales team and the customer can cancel the request. The sales team might cancel if the company can't meet the requirements. The customer might cancel if it no longer needs the requested product or service.
We want the actor that cancels the process to specify a reason, which is displayed to all participants.
Test case
In case the sales department cancels, the customer should receive an email with the cancellation reason. If the customer cancels, no email should be sent.
Feature: The sales department creates a quote
Given the process is created from the "quote" scenario
And "Alice" is the "customer" actor
And "Bob" is the "sales" actor
When "Alice" does "request" with:
| company | Acme Inc |
| contact | Alice |
| email | |
| address | 123 Main St |
| requirements | The product should be able to do X, Y and Z |
Then the process is in "requested"
Scenario: Sales cancels the process
When "Bob" does "cancel" with:
| reason | Unable to deliver on requirements |
Then the last event is not skipped
And the process ended in "cancelled"
And the state description is:
The quote request has been cancelled.
Reason: Unable to deliver on requirements
And service "email" is notified with:
schema: messages/email-v1
name: Alice
template: quote-cancelled
title: Customer
id: !ref
company: Acme Inc
contact: Alice
address: 123 Main St
reason: Unable to deliver on requirements
Scenario: Customer cancels the process
When "Alice" does "cancel" with:
| reason | No longer interested |
Then the last event is not skipped
And the process ended in "cancelled"
And the state description is:
The quote request has been cancelled.
Reason: No longer interested
And service "email" is not notified
The scenario
name: quote
version: '1.0'
title: Quote
description: Send a quote based on customer requirements
title: Organisation
role: sales
name: !default 'Acme Inc.'
title: Customer
id: !format uuid
company: string
address: string
contact: string
email: string
actor: customer
- set: actors.customer
value: !ref "current.response | { id: uuid('customer', $.id), company: company, address: address, contact: contact, email: email }"
mode: merge
- set: vars.requirements
value: !ref current.response.requirements
actor: sales
update: result
schema: actions/form-v1
title: Cancel
description: Cancel the quote request
reason: !required string
ui:widget: textarea
ui:rows: 3
set: vars.reason
value: !ref current.response.reason
on: request
goto: requested
customer: !tpl |
Thank you for your request. We will get back to you shortly.
sales: !tpl |
Please create a quote based on the customer requirements:
{{ vars.requirements }}
- on: create_quote
goto: quoted
- on: cancel
goto: (cancelled)
on: next
goto: (done)
description: !tpl |
The quote request has been cancelled.
Reason: {{ vars.reason }}
service: email
if: !ref previous[-1].actor.key == 'sales'
schema: messages/email-v1
to: !ref 'actors.customer | { name: contact, email: email }'
template: quote-cancelled
customer: !ref actors.customer
reason: !ref vars.reason
requirements: string
reason: string
result: !format uri