Data instruction

Data instructions allow you to dynamically set properties of a state or actions when they are instantiated using data from the projected process.

  • <ref> - Resolve a reference to another part of the document using a dot key path

  • <ifset> - Checks if a reference is null. If so, replace the object by null.

  • <switch> - Choose one of the child properties based on a property in the document

  • <merge> - Merge a set of objects

  • <enrich> - Enrich an object with extra data by matching properties

  • <tpl> - Parse text as Mustache template

  • <apply> - Project an object using the JMESPath query language

  • <dateformat> - Takes a date and a format (defaults to Y-m-d) and formats the accordingly. Optionally you can set the timezone if you wish to output timezone information.


    "foo": {
        "bar": {
            "qux": 12345
        "term": "data enrichment",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "country": "Netherlands"
    "amount": {
        "<ref>": ""
    "message": {
        "<tpl>": "I want to go to {{ }}, {{ }}"
    "shipping": {
        "<switch>": {
            "on": { "<ref>": "" },
            "options": {
                "USA": "UPS",
                "Netherlands": "PostNL"
            "default": "DHL"
    "user": {
        "<src>": ""
    "search_results": {
        "<apply>": {
            "projection": "RelatedTopics[].{url: FirstURL, description: Text}",
            "input": {
                "<src>": {
                    "<tpl>": "{{ foo.term }}&format=json"
    "profile": {
        "<merge>": [
                "<ref>": ""
                "<hash>": {
                    "algo": "md5",
                    "input": "foo"
                "apples": 100,
                "pears": 220

Last updated